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Our dedicated funded sessional 4-year-old kindergarten Dragonfly program is 15.5 hours per week. Our Dragonfly program has a group size of 25 children and is led by a qualified Kindergarten Teacher and 2 additional Educators.


The specific age grouping of the kindergarten programs brings together children at similar stages of development. Children attending sessions with the same group of children creates a real sense of cohesiveness, belonging and friendship. From a teaching perspective this provides unique opportunities to extend and scaffold learning as a group.



Monday 8:30am - 12:30pm

Tuesday 1.00pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 8:30am - 12:30pm

Friday 8:30am - 12:30pm


FEES 2025:

This program will be provided FREE to families under the Governments Free Kinder program.





Our dedicated 3-year-old Peppercorn program is 15 hours per week. Our Peppercorn program has a group size of 23 children and is led by a qualified Kindergarten Teacher and 2 additional Educators.


The specific age grouping of the kindergarten program brings together children at similar stages of development. Our 3-year-old program focusses on nurturing children, and building upon their social and emotional skills.   We are able to achieve these outcomes as we have a high teacher to child ratio in this group.



Monday 1:00pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 8.30am - 12.30pm

Wednesday 1.00pm - 4.30pm

Thursday 8:30am - 12:30pm


FEES 2025:

This program will be provided FREE to families under the Governments Free Kinder program.


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The Waratah Program provides long day care, 5 days per week, 48 weeks of the year.  Our large room and yard caters for up to 27 children at any one time.


The Waratah program provides opportunities for learning in a mixed age group environment (3-5 years).  The longer period of time offered within the long day program allows children uninterrupted play, opportunities to practice skills, develop independence and their sense of agency.

Our Waratah Team Leader holds Kindergarten Teaching Qualifications and is supported by a team of Educators with a Diploma qualification or higher.


FEES 2025:

$130.50 per day (if enrolled in kinder)

$144 per day (Waratah/Childcare only)





Kindi Care is offered within the Waratah Program and provides a gentle introduction to interacting with children of a similar age. This program is ‘kinder-like’ and is lead by our Waratah team leader who holds Kindergarten Teaching qualifications. Kindi Care is only offered during school terms.  



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7:30am - 12pm

Children need to attend a minimum of 2 mornings.


For children not participating in kindergarten for various reasons, this is an excellent equivalent if long days are not needed or required.


Kindi Care is a great way to start at the Centre as we often have availability within this program. You can also choose mornings to suit your needs. Many families then extend their time to full days and Kindergarten programs when vacancies arise.



FEES 2025:

$57 per morning

$114 per week (2 sessions)


Contact us for more information.


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As educators we strive towards creating play based educational programs, which are based on the children’s interests and needs within a challenging and stimulating environment. We are committed to providing programs in line with the Early Years Learning Framework, as well as ensuring that our practices are of a high standard so that we can continuing to EXCEED the requirements set out by National Quality Standard.  We were recently rated EXCEEDING again in January 2024.


As a Centre we strive to be known for our innovative programs and high quality care. We continually look for new ideas and seek ways to continue to improve. With our dedicated and passionate educators, we believe we are the benchmark of what high quality practice looks and feels like. Within all programs the structure of the session is critically important. This structure helps to provide stability, predictability and a sense of time and order that helps children feel secure. Our programs also value children’s sense of agency where choices are advocated.

Our partnerships with families focus on open communication, sharing information and knowledge about the child in order to create an atmosphere in which the whole family is welcomed and comfortable, which contributes to creating a positive environment for children to flourish.


Each of our programs document  children’s learning in a variety of ways, sharing their learning journey with families through 'StoryPark'.


We believe children’s learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards development in different and equally meaningful ways. Learning is not always predictable and linear. We strongly believe that all children are capable and competent learners. Our educators plan and provide programs with this in mind. All educators across all programs work cohesively and in consultation with each other to provide the best opportunities for your child to learn and excel.



In addition to the program fees, a maintenance levy of $150 is charged at the beginning of each year for all families enrolled in the Waratah/Child Care program. This fee is refunded upon attendance at two working bees. The maintenance levy can also be refunded by participation on the parent-run Committee of Management, and other opportunities to contribute at the Centre that present themselves each year.


Excursions and Visitors to the Centre: These are all offered at no additional cost and are included within current fee's.


Please observe the finish time of all sessions. Fines apply for children who are collected after the sessions have ended.

Kindergarten Programs and the Kindi Care Program: a late fine of $1.00 per minute applies for children collected after the session finish time.

Waratah (Long Day Program): An administration fee of $20.00, plus $2.00 per minute will apply for children who are collected after 6.00pm.


The Centre is approved to offer Child Care Subsidy which reduces your Child Care fees accordingly.


Auburn Kindergarten & Child Care Centre

27 Station St, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123

Tel: (03) 9882 3157


© 2020 by Auburn Kindergarten & Childcare

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