Welcome to
Learning. Inclusion. Respect. Community.

The Dragonfly group is a funded dedicated stand alone sessional 4-year-old kindergarten program.
The Peppercorn group is a dedicated stand alone sessional 3-year-old kindergarten program.
Our Waratah Program provides long day care, 5 days per week, 48 weeks of the year.
Our large room and yard caters for up to 27 children at any one time.
Kindi Care is offered within the Waratah Program and provides an introduction to interacting with children of a similar age where attending all day is not needed or required.

Auburn Kindergarten & Childcare Centre was first opened in February 1977 and was the 1000th Kindergarten to open in Victoria. Over the years the parent-run Committee of Management has continued to improve and maintain the facilities, and the building was recently refurbished in 2016 by our local Council, the City of Boroondara.
Our Centre provides long day care for children between the ages of 3 – 6 years. We also provide separate stand-alone sessional kindergarten programs for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds.
The majority of parents choose to enrol in more than one program resulting in flexible hours and programs to suit all families.
We are a high quality not–for-profit, community based Centre staffed by enthusiastic, caring, experienced and highly qualified Early Childhood professionals.
Our Centre has been assessed under the Government’s National Quality Standard and has continued to maintain an overall rating of EXCEEDING. We were last assessed in November 2018.
Our Centre is truly unique. We urge you to make an appointment to come and take a look – you will not be disappointed in what you see.